How does LPG Endermologie® (Lipomassage) work?

Lipomassage is for any woman who:
- Despite weight loss diets, cannot seem to get rid of "saddlebag thighs", "banana bulges", fat deposits riddled with cellulite dimples.
- Is thin and practices a healthy lifestyle, yet suffers from cellulite dimples, fat deposits or flabby skin or has not been able to avoid the sagging, thinning skin of advancing age.
- Despite using cosmetics, can't remove thick, orange peel skin.
- Have experienced the major hormonal fluctuations of puberty, pregnancy, or menopause which have ended in dramatic figure changes.
And for man who:
- Have a healthy lifestyle (sport, balanced diet) but still have stubborn fat such as love-handles?
- Wish to sculpt certain parts of their body.
- Have lost weight and want to keep their skin firm and elastic.
Lipomassage offers rapid, risk-free and painless results - without undergoing surgery.
Treatment overview and Pricing of LPG Lipomassage Book your Appointment
Slim down fat cells with LPG Endermologie®
Firm Your Skin
Weight changes, pregnancy, or age the skin gradually loses its firmness and its flexibility. Although sagging skin affects the entire body, some areas are more sensitive to it, including the inner thighs, the tummy, and the arms. This phenomenon is explained by the slower production of elastin and collagen fibers by the fibroblasts. The skin then loses its substance, and signs of aging appear.
LPG ROLLS combined with sequential stimulations act at the core of the fibroblast and activate the production of these essential support fibers (collagen and elastin). Redensified in depth, the skin becomes visibly firmer and toned! Skin redensification: +240% (Source: LAFONTAN M.: Evaluation of the effects of LPG Technique on lipolysis and gene expression using respectively microdialysis and DNA microarray technologies. Clinical Investigation Center, Toulouse Hospital, France. Research Report 2009.)
Resculpt the Figure
Hang onto your butts!
If while reading this you're sitting with your legs crossed, you may need LIPOMASSAGE to re-sculpt your contours - especially your buttocks! That's right. If you cross your legs regularly while you're sitting, you're distorting the curve of your buttocks (your glutes), making them square and asymmetric! Oops.
Don't worry. LPG ROLL stimulation, combined with highly targeted manoeuvres, LIPOMASSAGE can reshape the lines of your body (i.e. the horizontal fold under your gluteus), harmonizing and uplifting your contours.
Turn your Y into an X!
Are your thighs very close together? Then you know how unpleasant "thigh-touching syndrome" feels. It's when the body adopts a closed Y-shape that stretches from groin to knees. Neither dieting nor exercise can help, and your inner thighs rest fl at against each other. LIPOMASSAGE can eliminate these stubborn localised thigh fat reserves, redefining your curves, firming your skin and turning your less-than-perfect "Y" figure into the ideal "X".
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